Daily Global 5km Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly
(Version 3.1, released August 1, 2018)
Global Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly image
Current Daily Variables:
Alert Area (7-day max) DHW HotSpot SST
SST Trend
Year-to-date Maximum:
Alert Area DHW HotSpot SST Anomaly
Year-to-date Minimum:
SST Anomaly
Year-to-date Mean:
SST Anomaly
Click on map above to zoom to small 60 x 40-degree tiles; use drop-down menu below to view larger 60 x 40-degree tiles.     
Right-click outside clickable map area to save the image.
60 x 40-degree tiles (by east/west hemispheres and low/high latitudes, updated daily)

The NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) daily global 5km Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomaly product displays the difference between today's SST and the long-term average. The scale ranges from -5 to +5 °C. Positive values mean the temperature measured is warmer than average; negative values mean cooler than average.
This product is updated each afternoon at about 13:30 U.S. Eastern Time.
Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart Regional chart