Year-to-date, Monthly, and Annual Composites
of 5km Satellite Coral Bleaching Heat Stress Products (Version 3.1)

Current Year-to-date Composites
(Click on buttons above to change parameter; click on image to see larger and tiled images.)

Current Year-to-date Composite Regional Images
Max Alert Area: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR
Max DHW: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR
Max Hotspot: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR
Max SST: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR
Max SST Anomaly: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR
Min SST: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR
Min SST Anomaly: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR
Mean SST: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR
Mean SST Anomaly: Tropics | Global | East | West | Pac | Ind | S Atl | Coral Triangle | Caribbean | Florida | S Florida | Hawaii | GBR

(Acronyms: BAA - Bleaching Alert Area; DHW - Degree Heating Week; SST - Sea Surface Temperature; CRW - Coral Reef Watch)

Archived 2024 Year-to-date Composite Images

(Maximum for all variables; Minimum and Mean only for SST and SST Anomaly)

 2025 Jan 1 to 
60x40-degree tiled images (see description of tiles)
 2025 Jan 1 to 
    Year-to-date Composite Files (HTTPS):     
    Year-to-date Composite Files (FTP):     

Monthly Composites

(Maximum for all variables; Minimum and Mean only for SST and SST Anomaly)

(Degree Heating Week and Bleaching Alert Area available since Apr 1985; all other products since Jan 1985)

60x40-degree tiled images (see description of tiles)
    Monthly Composite Files (HTTPS):     
    Monthly Composite Files (FTP):     

Annual Composites

(Maximum for all variables; Minimum and Mean only for SST and SST Anomaly)

(Degree Heating Week and Bleaching Alert Area available since 1986; all other products since 1985)

1986-present Full-Year Composite Images (all products):

60x40-degree tiled images (see description of tiles)

1985 Full-Year Composite Images (SST, SST Anomaly, and HotSpot only):

60x40-degree tiled images (see description of tiles)
    Annual Composite Files (HTTPS):     
    Annual Composite Files (FTP):     

1985 Partial-Year (25 Mar - 31 Dec) Composite Images:  

60x40-degree tiled images (see description of tiles)
    1985 Partial-Year Composite Files (HTTPS):     
    1985 Partial-Year Composite Files (FTP):     


Composite Products Description

Presented here are the year-to-date (for the current year), monthly, and annual composites of NOAA Coral Reef Watch's (CRW) Version 3.1 (v3.1) daily global 5km (0.05 degree) satellite coral bleaching heat stress monitoring products. The v3.1 products were released August 1, 2018 and are based on CRW's v3.1 daily global 5km 'CoralTemp' SST dataset. Composite products include SST, SST Anomaly, Coral Bleaching HotSpot, Degree Heating Week (DHW), and Bleaching Alert Area. Maximum composites are available for all of these variables; minimum and mean composites are available only for SST and SST Anomaly products. This is because the Bleaching Alert Area, DHW, and HotSpot are positive-value-only products. A mean, maximum, or minimum composite of a product for a specified time period, is simply the arithmetic average, maximum, or minimum of all the daily values of the product within the specified time period, respectively. Click here for more information on CRW's v3.1 daily global 5km product suite.