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citations for Coral Reef Watch products and methodologies.
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I. Coral Reef Watch Data Products:
Lachs, L.; Bythell, J.C.; East, H.K.; Edwards, A.J.; Mumby, P.J.; Skirving, W.J.; Spady, B.L.; Guest, J.R.
Fine-tuning heat stress algorithms to optimise global predictions of mass coral bleaching. Remote Sens.
2021, 13, 2677. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13142677.
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Geiger EF, Heron SF, Hernández WJ, Caldwell JM, Falinski K, Callender T, Greene AL, Liu G, De La Cour JL, Armstrong RA, Donahue MJ
and Eakin CM (2021) Optimal Spatiotemporal Scales to Aggregate Satellite Ocean Color Data for Nearshore Reefs and Tropical Coastal Waters:
Two Case Studies. Front. Mar. Sci.. 8:643302. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.643302.
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Skirving, W; Marsh, B; De La Cour, J; Liu, G; Harris, A; Maturi, E; Geiger, E;
Eakin, CM. CoralTemp and the Coral Reef Watch Coral Bleaching
Heat Stress Product Suite Version 3.1. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3856; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12233856.
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Liu, G, Eakin CM, Chen M, Kumar A, De La Cour JL, Heron SF, Geiger EF,
Skirving WJ, Tirak KV, Strong AE (2018) Predicting Heat Stress to Inform Reef Management:
NOAA Coral Reef Watch's 4-Month Coral Bleaching Outlook. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:57.
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00057.
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Skirving, W, Enríquez S, Hedley J, Dove S, Eakin CM, Mason RAB,
De La Cour JL, Liu G, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Strong AE, Mumby PJ, Iglesias-Prieto R.
Remote Sensing of Coral Bleaching Using Temperature and Light: Progress
towards an Operational Algorithm, Remote Sens. 2018, 10(1), 18; doi:10.3390/rs10010018.
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the Special Issue, Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals from Remote Sensing (printed edition).
Liu, G, Skirving WJ, Geiger EF, De La Cour JL, Marsh BL, Heron SF, Tirak KV, Strong AE, Eakin CM (2017)
NOAA Coral Reef Watch's 5km Satellite Coral Bleaching Heat Stress Monitoring Product Suite Version 3 and Four-Month Outlook Version 4.
Reef Encounter 45 32(1): 39-45.
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Payne, MR, Hobday AJ, MacKenzie BR, Tommasi D, Dempsey DP, Fässler
SMM, Haynie AC, Ji R, Liu G, Lynch PD, Matei D, Miesner AK, Mills KE, Strand KO, Villarino E (2017)
Lessons from the first generation of marine ecological forecast products. Front. Mar. Sci. 4:289. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00289.
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Heron, SF, Maynard J, van Hooidonk R, Eakin CM (2016). Warming Trends and
Bleaching Stress of the World's Coral Reefs 1985-2012. Scientific Reports 6: 38402,
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NOAA Coral Reef Information System website feature
Eakin, CM, Liu G, Gomez AM, De La Cour JL, Heron SF, Skirving WJ, Geiger EF,
Tirak KV, Strong AE (2016). Global Coral Bleaching 2014-2017? Status and an
Appeal for Observations. Reef Encounter 43 31(1): 20-26.
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from the publisher.
Heron, S.F.; Johnston, L.; Liu, G.; Geiger, E.F.; Maynard, J.A.; De La Cour, J.L.; Johnson, S.; Okano, R.; Benavente, D.;
Burgess, T.F.R.; Iguel, J.; Perez, D.; Skirving, W.J.; Strong, A.E.; Tirak, K.; Eakin, C.M. (2016). Validation of Reef-scale
Thermal Stress Satellite Products for Coral Bleaching Monitoring. Remote Sensing 8(1): 59, doi:10.3390/rs8010059.
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from the publisher.
Mohammed, S.S.; Heron, S.F.; Mahabir, R.; Clarke, R.M. Performance Evaluation of CRW Reef-Scale and Broad-Scale SST-Based
Coral Monitoring Products in Fringing Reef Systems of Tobago. Remote Sensing 2016, 8(1): 12, doi:10.3390/rs8010012.
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Heron, S.F., Liu G., Eakin C.M., Skirving W.J., Muller-Karger F.E., Vega-Rodriguez M., De La Cour J.L., Burgess T.F.R., Strong A.E., Geiger E.F.,
Guild L.S., Lynds S. (2015). Climatology Development for NOAA Coral Reef Watch's 5-km Product Suite. Technical Report NESDIS 145. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, Coral Reef Watch, College Park, MD. 21 p. doi:10.7289/V59C6VBS.
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NOAA Coral Reef Information System website feature
Liu, G, Heron SF, Eakin CM, Muller-Karger FE, Vega-Rodriguez M, Guild LS, De La Cour JL,
Geiger EF, Skirving WJ, Burgess TFR, Strong AE, Harris A, Maturi E, Ignatov A, Sapper J,
Li J, Lynds S (2014). Reef-scale Thermal Stress Monitoring of Coral Ecosystems: New 5-km
Global Products from NOAA Coral Reef Watch. Remote Sensing 6(11): 11579-11606, doi:10.3390/rs61111579.
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from the publisher.
Heron, SF, Liu G, Rauenzahn JL, Christensen TRL, Skirving WJ, Burgess TFR, Eakin CM, Morgan JA
(2014). Improvements to and Continuity of Operational Global Thermal Stress Monitoring for Coral
Bleaching. J. Operational Oceanography 7(2): 3-11.
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Liu, G, Heron SF, Eakin CM, Rauenzahn JL, Geiger EF, Skirving WJ, Burgess TFR, Strong AE (2014). NOAA
Coral Reef Watch's Next-Generation 5 km Satellite Coral Bleaching Thermal Stress Monitoring.
Reef Encounter 40 29(2): 27-29.
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from the publisher.
Liu, G., J.L. Rauenzahn, S.F. Heron, C.M. Eakin, W.J. Skirving, T.R.L. Christensen,
A.E. Strong, J. Li (2013). NOAA Coral Reef Watch 50 km Satellite Sea Surface
Temperature-Based Decision Support System for Coral Bleaching Management.
NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 143. NOAA/NESDIS. College Park, MD. 33pp.
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NOAA Coral Reef Information System website feature
Lucas, E.Y., A.E. Strong (2013). Product Development Plan for the Next Generation
of Satellite Remote Sensing Products for NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Management
NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 142B. NOAA/NESDIS. Silver Spring, MD. 69pp.
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from NOAA library.
NOAA Coral Reef Information System website feature
Eakin, C.M., G. Liu, M. Chen, A. Kumar (2012). Ghost of bleaching future:
Seasonal Outlooks from NOAA's Operational Climate Forecast System. Proceedings
of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia,
9-13 July 2012.
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from the conference website.
Liu, G, C.M. Eakin, J.L. Rauenzahn, T.R.L. Christensen, S.F. Heron, J. Li,
W. Skirving, A.E. Strong, T. Burgess (2012). NOAA Coral Reef Watch's Decision
Support System for Coral Reef Management. Proceedings of the 12th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012.
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Strong, A.E., E.Y. Lucas, C.M. Eakin, J. Rauenzahn, P. Chang, A. Ignatov, G. Liu,
E. Maturi, L. Miller, W. Pichel, W.J. Skirving, M. Wang (2012). Enhanced
Satellite-Remote Sensing for Coral Reef Management: Next Decade. Proceedings
of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012.
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Strong, A.E., G. Liu, W. Skirving, C.M. Eakin (2011). NOAA's Coral Reef Watch Program from
satellite observations. Annals of GIS 17(2): 83-92, doi: 10.1080/19475683.2011.576266.
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Heron, S.F., B.L. Willis, W.J. Skirving, C.M. Eakin, C.A. Page, I.R. Miller (2010).
Summer Hot Snaps and Winter Conditions: Modelling White Syndrome Outbreaks on
Great Barrier Reef Corals. PLoS One.
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T.R.L. Christensen, S.F. Heron, J.A. Morgan, W.J. Skirving and A.E. Strong
(2009). NOAA Coral Reef Watch Coral Bleaching Outlook System.
Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida: 951-955.
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Strong, A.E., F. Arzayus, W. Skirving and S.F. Heron (2006). Identifying Coral
Bleaching Remotely via Coral Reef Watch - Improved Integration and Implications
for Changing Climate. In J.T. Phinney, et al. [Eds.], Coral Reefs and
Climate Change: Science and Management. Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Vol.
61, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. 163-180 pp.
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Liu G, Strong A, Skirving W, Arzayus F. (2005). Overview of NOAA Coral Reef
Watch program's near real-time satellite global coral bleaching monitoring
activities. Proc 10th Int Coral Reef Symp, Okinawa, Japan. 1. 1783-1793.
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Strong, A.E., G. Liu, J. Meyer, J.C. Hendee, and D. Sasko, 2004: Coral Reef Watch 2002. Bull. Mar. Sci., 75(2): 259-268.
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Hendee, J.C., G. Liu, A. Strong, J. Sapper, D. Sasko, and C. Dahlgren (2002). Near Real-Time Validation of Satellite Sea
Surface Temperature Products at Rainbow Gardens Reef, Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. Proceedings of
the Seventh International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Miami, Florida,
20-22 May 2002. Veridian Systems Division, CD-ROM, 9 pp.
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Strong, A.E., T.J. Goreau and R. Hayes (1999). Ocean HotSpots and Coral Reef
Bleaching: January - July 1998. Reef Encounter 24: 20-22.
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Toscano, M.A., A.E. Strong and I.C. Guch (1999). New analyses for ocean
HotSpots and coral reef bleaching. Reef Encounter 26: 31.
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Strong, A.E., C.S. Barrientos, C. Duda, and J. Sapper, 1997. Improved satellite techniques for monitoring coral reef bleaching,
Proc 8th Int'l Coral Reef Sym, 2, 1495-1498.
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(PDF, 86KB).
Gleeson, M.W. and A.E. Strong (1995). Applying MCSST to coral reef bleaching.
Advances in Space Research 16(10): 151-154.
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(PDF, 110KB).
(PDF, 5.4MB).
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Gleeson, M.W. and A.E. Strong (1994). Applying MCSST to coral reef bleaching.
EOS 75: 156.
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Boone, M.J. and A.E. Strong (1992). An MCSST climatology: 1984-1990. EOS
73: 264.
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II. Bleaching Events:
O. Hoegh-Guldberg, W. Skirving, S. Dove, B. Spady, A. Norrie, E. Geiger, G. Liu, J. De La Cour, D. Manzello. Coral reefs
in peril in a record-breaking year, Science 10.1126/science.adk4532 (2023).
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Zhang, Y., Gantt, S. E., Keister, E. F., Elder, H., Kolodziej, G., Aguilar, C., Studivan, M. S., Williams, D. E., Kemp, D. W.,
Manzello, D. P., Enochs, I. C., & Kenkel, C. D. (2023). Performance of Orbicella faveolata larval cohorts does not align
with previously observed thermal tolerance of adult source populations. Global Change Biology, 29, 6591-6605. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16977.
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Little CM, Liu G, De La Cour JL, Eakin CM, Manzello D and Heron SF (2022) Global coral bleaching event detection from satellite
monitoring of extreme heat stress. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:883271. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.883271.
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van Woesik R, Shlesinger T, Grottoli AG, Toonen RJ, Vega Thurber R, Warner ME, Hulver A, Chapron L, McLachlan R, Albright R, Crandall E, DeCarlo T,
Donovan M, Eirin-Lopez J, Harrison H, Heron S, Huang D, Humanes A, Krueger T, Joshua S. Madin J, Manzello DP, McManus L, Matz M,
Muller E, Rodriguez-Lanetty M, Vega-Rodriguez M, Voolstra C, Zaneveld J. (2022). Coral-bleaching responses to climate change
across biological scales. Global Change Biology, 28, 4229-4250. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16192.
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from the publisher.
DeMerlis A, Kirkland A, Kaufman M, Mayfield A, Formel N, Kolodziej K, Manzello DP, Lirman D, Traylor-Knowles N, Enochs IC.
Pre-exposure to a variable temperature treatment improves the response of Acropora cervicornis to acute thermal stress.
Coral Reefs 41, 435-445 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-022-02232-z.
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Spady BL, Skirving WJ, Liu G, De La Cour JL, McDonald CJ, Manzello DP. Unprecedented early-summer heat stress and forecast of coral
bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, 2021-2022 [version 4; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research
2022, 11:127 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.108724.4).
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Cheung, MWM, Hock K, Skirving W, Mumby PJ (2021). Cumulative bleaching undermines systemic resilience of the Great
Barrier Reef. Curr Biol 31(23), 5385-5392 e5384. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.078.
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Ainsworth, T.D., Leggat, W., Silliman, B.R., Lantz, C.A., Bergman, J.L.,
Fordyce, A.J., Page, C.E., Renzi, J.J., Morton, J., Eakin, C.M.,
& Heron, S.F. (2021). Rebuilding relationships on coral reefs: Coral
bleaching knowledge-sharing to aid adaptation planning for reef users.
BioEssays, 43, e2100048. https://doi.org/10.1002/bies.202100048.
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Mason, R.A.B., Skirving W.J., Dove S.G. (2020) Integrating physiology with remote sensing to advance the
prediction of coral bleaching events. Remote Sens Environ 246:111794. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.111794.
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Venegas R, Oliver T, Liu G, Heron SF, Clark S, Pomeroy N, Young C, Eakin CM,
Brainard RE. The Rarity of Depth Refugia from Coral Bleaching Heat Stress in
the Western and Central Pacific Islands. Sci. Rep. 9, 19710 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-56232-1.
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Kim, SW, Sampayo EM, Sommer B, Sims CA, Gómez-Cabrera MdC, Dalton SJ, Beger M, Malcolm HA, Ferrari R, Fraser N, Figueira WF,
Smith SDA, Heron SF, Baird AH, Byrne M, Eakin CM, Edgar R, Hughes TP, Kyriacou N, Liu G, Matis PA, Skirving WJ, Pandolfi JM.
Refugia under threat: Mass bleaching of coral assemblages in high-latitude eastern Australia. Glob Change Biol.
2019;25:3918-3931. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14772.
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Eakin, C.M., Sweatman, H.P.A. and Brainard, R.E. The 2014-17 global-scale coral bleaching event: insights and impacts.
Coral Reefs (2019) 38(4): 539-545. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-019-01844-2.
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Curnock, M, Marshall NA, Thiault L, Heron SF, Hoey J, Williams G, Taylor B, Pert PL, Goldberg J (2019).
Shifts in tourists' sentiments and climate risk perceptions following mass coral bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef.
Nature Climate Change 9, 535-541. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-019-0504-y.
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Brodnicke, O.B., Bourne, D.G., Heron, S.F., Pears, R.J., Stella, J.S.,
Smith, H.A., Willis, B.L. Unravelling the links between heat stress,
bleaching and disease: fate of tabular corals following a combined
disease and bleaching event. Coral Reefs 38, 591-603 (2019)
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Devotta, DA, De La Cour JL, Geiger EF, Gomez AM, Heron SF, Liu G, Marsh BL, Skirving WJ, Eakin CM (2019) Overview of the third
Global Coral Bleaching Event (2014-2017). In: Kimura, T. Tun, K and Chou, L.M. (eds.) Status of coral reefs in East Asian Seas
Region: 2018. Ministry of the Environment of Japan and Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 3-10.
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Hoegh-Guldberg O, Skirving WJ, Lough JM, Liu C, Mann ME, Donner S, Eakin CM, Cantin N, Carilli J, Heron SF, Miller S and Dove S (2019)
Commentary: Reconstructing Four Centuries of Temperature-Induced Coral Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.
Front. Mar. Sci. 6:86. doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00086.
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Harrison, HB, Álvarez-Noriega M, Baird AH, Heron SF, MacDonald C, Hughes TP. Back-to-back coral bleaching events
on isolated atolls in the Coral Sea. Coral Reefs 38, 713-719 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-018-01749-6.
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C.M. Eakin, G. Liu, A.M. Gomez, J.L. De La Cour, S.F. Heron, W.J. Skirving, E.F. Geiger, B.L. Marsh, K.V. Tirak, A.E. Strong, 2018:
Unprecedented three years of global coral bleaching 2014-17 [in "State of the Climate in 2017"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (8),
S74-S75, doi:10.1175/2018BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
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Oliver, J.K., Berkelmans R., Eakin C.M. (2018) Chapter 3 - Coral Bleaching in Space and Time. In M.J.H. van Oppen & J.M. Lough [Eds.],
Coral Bleaching: Patterns, Processes, Causes and Consequences 2nd Edition. Ecological Studies 233, Springer, Berlin. 356 pp.
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Hughes, TP, Kerry JT, Baird AH, Connolly SR, Dietzel A, Eakin CM, Heron SF, Hoey AS, Hoogenboom MO, Liu G, McWilliam MJ, Pears RJ,
Pratchett MS, Skirving WJ, Stella JS, Torda G (2018) Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages. Nature 556, 492-496, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0041-2.
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Hughes, T.P, Anderson K.D., Connolly S.R., Heron S.F., Kerry J.T.,
Lough J.M., Baird A.H., Baum J.K., Berumen M.L., Bridge T.C., Claar D.C.,
Eakin C.M., Gilmour J.P., Graham N.A.J., Harrison H., Hobbs J-P.A., Hoey A.,
Hoogenboom M., Lowe R.J., McCulloch M.T., Pandolfi J.M., Pratchett M.,
Schoepf V., Torda G., Wilson S.K. (2018) Spatial and temporal patterns of
mass bleaching of corals in the Anthropocene. Science 359(6371): 80-83,
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Langlais, CE, Lenton A, Heron SF, Evenhuis C, Sen Gupta A, Brown JN, Kuchinke M. Coral bleaching pathways under the control of regional temperature variability.
Nature Climate Change 7, 839-844 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate3399.
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Couch CS, Burns JHR, Liu G, Steward K, Gutlay TN, Kenyon J, Eakin CM, Kosaki RK. (2017) Mass coral bleaching due to unprecedented marine heatwave in
Papaha̅naumokua̅kea Marine National Monument (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands). PLoS ONE 12(9): e0185121, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0185121.
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Eakin, CM, Liu G, Gomez AM, De La Cour JL, Heron SF, Skirving WJ, Geiger EF, Marsh BL, Tirak KV, Strong AE (2017)
Ding, Dong, The Witch is Dead (?) - Three Years of Global Coral Bleaching 2014-2017. Reef Encounter 45 32(1): 33-38.
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Eakin, CM, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2017) Chasing Coral: A wonderfully told story and a new opportunity for conservation outreach.
Reef Encounter 45 32(1): 49-50.
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Kayanne, H, Suzuki R, Liu G (2017). Bleaching in the Ryukyu Islands in 2016 and associated Degree Heating Week
threshold. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 19(1): 17-18, doi:10.3755/galaxea.19.1_17.
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González-Rivero, M, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Tonk L, Puotinen M, Heron S, Skirving W, Kennedy E, Ridgway T, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2017).
The effect of cumulative stress on reef slope coral communities in the far northern and northern Great Barrier Reef: 2012 to 2016,
Final Report to the Australian Department of Environment and Energy, Project No. PRN 1516-0507.
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Donner, SD, Rickbeil GJM, Heron SF (2017) A new, high-resolution global mass coral bleaching database. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0175490.
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Databases described in the paper
Hughes, TP, JT Kerry, M Álvarez-Noriega, JG Álvarez-Romero, KD Anderson, AH Baird, RC Babcock, M Beger, DR Bellwood, R Berkelmans,
TC Bridge, I Butler, M Byrne, NE Cantin, S Comeau, SR Connolly, GS Cumming, SJ Dalton, G Diaz-Pulido, CM Eakin, WF Figueira, JP Gilmour,
HB Harrison, SF Heron, AS Hoey, J-PA Hobbs, MO Hoogenboom, EV Kennedy, C Kuo, JM Lough, RJ Lowe, G Liu, MT McCulloch, HA Malcolm,
MJ McWilliam, JM Pandolfi, RJ Pears, MS Pratchett, V Schoepf, T Simpson, WJ Skirving, B Sommer, G Torda, DR Wachenfeld, BL Willis,
SK Wilson (2017). Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals. Nature 543(7645): 373-377, doi:10.1038/nature21707.
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from the publisher.
for additional information about the publication.
Wooldridge SA, Heron SF, Brodie JE, Done TJ, Masiri I, Hinrichs S (2017).
Excess seawater nutrients, enlarged algal symbiont densities and
bleaching sensitive reef locations: 2. A regional-scale predictive
model for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114(1): 343-354,
More information
from the publisher.
Eakin, CM, Liu G, Gomez AM, De La Cour JL, Heron SF, Skirving WJ, Geiger EF, Tirak KV, Strong AE (2016). Global Coral Bleaching 2014-2017:
Status and an Appeal for Observations. Reef Encounter 43 31(1): 20-26.
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from the publisher.
Liu, G, Heron SF, Eakin CM, Rauenzahn JL, Geiger EF, Skirving WJ, Burgess TFR, Strong AE (2014). NOAA
Coral Reef Watch's Next-Generation 5 km Satellite Coral Bleaching Thermal Stress Monitoring.
Reef Encounter 40 29(2): 27-29.
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from the publisher.
Doshi, A., S. Pascoe, O. Thébaud, C.R. Thomas, N Setiasih, J. Tan Chun Hong,
J. True, H.Z. Schuttenberg, S.F. Heron (2012). Loss of economic value from
coral bleaching in S.E. Asia. Proceedings
of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012.
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from the conference website.
Tan C.H., S.F. Heron (2011). First observed severe mass bleaching in Malaysia, Greater
Coral Triangle, Galaxea. Journal of Coral Reef Studies 13: 27-28.
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Thomas C.R., S.F. Heron (2011). South-East Asia Coral Bleaching Rapid Response:
Final Report. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Wealth from
Oceans Flagship, Australia. 24pp.
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Eakin, M., J. Morgan, S. Heron, T. Smith, G. Liu, L. Alvarez-Filip,
B. Baca, E. Bartels, C. Bastidas, C. Bouchon, M. Brandt,
A. Bruckner, L. Bunkley-Williams, A. Cameron, B. Causey, M. Chiappone,
T. Christensen, M. Crabbe, O. Day, E. de la Guardia, G. Díaz-Pulido, D. DiResta,
D. Gil-Agudelo, D. Gilliam, R. Ginsburg, S. Gore, H. Guzman, J. Hendee,
E. Hernández-Delgado, E. Husain, C. Jeffrey, R. Jones, E. Jordán-Dahlgren,
L. Kaufman, D. Kline, P. Kramer, J. Lang, D. Lirman, J. Mallela, C. Manfrino,
J. Maréchal, K. Marks, J. Mihaly, W. Miller, E. Mueller, E. Muller,
C. Orozco Toro, H. Oxenford, D. Ponce-Taylor, N. Quinn, K. Ritchie,
S. Rodríguez, A. Rodríguez Ramírez, S. Romano, J. Samhouri, J. Sánchez,
G. Schmahl, B. Shank, W. Skirving, S. Steiner, E. Villamizar, S. Walsh,
C. Walter, E. Weil, E. Williams, K. Roberson, and Y. Yusuf (2010).
Caribbean Corals in Crisis: Record Thermal Stress, Bleaching, and Mortality in
2005. PLoS One 5(11): e13969, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0013969.
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from the publisher.
Fenner, D., S.F. Heron (2009). Annual summer bleaching of a multi-species coral
community in backreef pools of American Samoa. Proceedings of the 11th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, 7-11 July 2008.
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(PDF, 182KB).
Oliver, J.K., Berkelmans R., Eakin C.M. (2009) Coral Bleaching in Space and
Time. In M.J.H. van Oppen & J.M. Lough [Eds.], Coral Bleaching: Patterns,
Processes, Causes and Consequences. Ecological Studies 205, Springer,
Berlin. 178 pp.
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from the publisher.
Heron, S., J. Morgan, M. Eakin and W. Skirving (2008). Hurricanes and their
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Venegas R, Oliver T, Liu G, Heron SF, Clark S, Pomeroy N, Young C, Eakin CM, Brainard RE. The Rarity of Depth Refugia
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Supplementary information
Heron, SF, Maynard J, van Hooidonk R, Eakin CM (2016). Warming Trends and Bleaching Stress of the World's Coral Reefs 1985-2012. Scientific Reports 6: 38402,
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Heron SF, Eakin CM, Maynard JA, van Hooidonk R (2016). Impacts and effects of ocean warming on coral reefs. In: Laffoley, D., & Baxter, J.M. (editors).
2016. Explaining ocean warming: Causes, scale, effects and consequences. Full report. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. pp. 177-197.
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management. Biological Conservation 192: 109-119, doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.09.001.
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NOAA Coral Reef Information System website feature
Gattuso, J-P, Magnan A, Billé R, Cheung WWL, Howes EL, Joos F, Allemand D, Bopp L, Cooley S, Eakin CM,
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in Marine Science 2: 36, doi:10.3389/fmars.2015.00036.
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coastal socioeconomic activities/sectors, Studies N° 03/15, IDDRI, Paris, France, 46pp.
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International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012.
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U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-27, 530 p. + 1 Appendix.
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Camacho, O.; Schmitz, C.; Martinez, A.; Ortega, L.; Fabiano, G.; Rothman, M.D.;
Liu, G.; Ojeda, J.; Mansilla, A.; Barreto, L.M.; Assis, J.;
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and Management: A Review. Remote Sensing 8(2): 118, doi:10.3390/rs8020118.
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Heron, M., A. Mantovanelli, D. Di Massa, S.F. Heron (2012). Coastal Ocean Radars
Applied to Coral Reef Science and Management. Proceedings of the 12th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012.
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from the conference website.
Mantovanelli, A., M.L. Heron, S.F. Heron, C.R. Steinberg (2012). Relative dispersion of
surface drifters in a barrier reef region. J. Geophys. Res. 117, C11016,
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from the publisher.
Burgess, T.F.R., S.F. Heron (2011). Computing Applications for Satellite Temperature Datasets:
A Performance Evaluation of Graphics Processing Units. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 139. NOAA/NESDIS. Silver Spring, MD. 14pp.
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NOAA Coral Reef Information System website feature
Ziskin, D., C. Aubrecht, C. Elvidge, B. Tuttle, C.M. Eakin, A.E. Strong, L.S. Guild
(2011). Describing coral reef bleaching using very high spatial resolution satellite
imagery: experimental methodology. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 5(1), 053531.
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from the publisher.
Eakin, C.M., C.J. Nim, R.E. Brainard, C. Aubrecht, C. Elvidge, D.K. Gledhill,
F. Muller-Karger, P.J. Mumby, W.J. Skirving, A.E. Strong, M. Wang, S. Weeks,
F. Wentz, D. Ziskin (2010). Monitoring coral reefs from space. Oceanography
23(4): 118-133.
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from the publisher.
Nim, C.J. and W. Skirving [Eds.] (2010). Satellite Monitoring of Coral Reefs
in a Changing Climate. NOAA Technical Report CRCP 1. NOAA Coral Reef
Conservation Program. Silver Spring, MD. 114 pp.
Executive Summary
(PDF, 76KB).
Full report
(PDF, 13MB).
NOAA Coral Reef Information System website feature
Aubrecht, C., C.D. Elvidge, C.M. Eakin, D. Ziskin and K.E. Baugh (2009).
Coral reef risk assessment using DMSP nighttime lights - Temporal trends and
global perspectives. Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on
Remote Sensing of Environment, Stresa, Lago Maggiore, Italy, May 4-8, 2009.
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from the conference website.
Aubrecht, C., C.D. Elvidge, T. Longcore, C. Rich, J. Safran, A.E. Strong, C.M.
Eakin, K.E. Baugh, B.T. Tuttle, A.T. Howard and E.H. Erwin (2008). A global
inventory of coral reef stressors based on satellite observed nighttime lights.
Geocarto International 23(6): 467-479.
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from the publisher.
Maynard, J.A., P.J. Turner, K.R.N. Anthony, A.H. Baird, R. Berkelmans, C.M.
Eakin, J. Johnson, P.A. Marshall, G.R. Packer, A. Rea and B.L. Willis (2008).
ReefTemp: an interactive monitoring system for coral bleaching using
high-resolution SST and improved stress predictors. Geophysical Research
Letters 35: L05603.
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from the publisher.
M.L. Heron, W.J. Skirving and K.J. Michael, "Short-wave ocean wave slope models for use in remote sensing data analysis," in
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1962-1973, July 2006, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2006.870439.
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from the publisher.
Skirving, W., Liu G., Strong A., Liu C., Sapper J., Arzayus F. (2006)
Extreme events and perturbations of coastal ecosystems. In: Richardson L.,
LeDrew E. (eds) Remote sensing of aquatic coastal ecosystem processes.
Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, vol 9. Springer, Dordrecht.
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from the publisher.
Elvidge, C.D., J.B. Dietz, R. Berkelmans, S. Andréfouët, W. Skirving, A.E.
Strong and B.T. Tuttle. Satellite observation of Keppel Islands (Great
Barrier Reef) 2002 coral bleaching using IKONOS data. Coral Reefs 23, 123-132 (2004).
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from the publisher.
Mumby, P.J., W. Skirving, A.E. Strong, J.T. Hardy, E.F. LeDrew, E.J. Hochberg,
R.P. Stumpf and L.T. David (2004). Remote sensing of coral reefs and their
physical environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48(3-4): 219.
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from the publisher.
Nalli, N., F. Arzayus, P. Chang, P. Clemente-Colon, A. Harris, A. Ignatov, R.
Legeckis, X. Li, G. Liu, E. Maturi, T. Mavor, R. Meiggs, B. Pichel, J. Sapper,
W. Skirving, A. Strong, C. Merchant and S. MacCallum (2004). Satellite Remote
Sensing and the NOAA/NESDIS Sea-Surface Temperature Science Team.
Backscatter Spring 2004: 24-28.
Free download (PDF, 2.18MB).
Kutser, T., A.G. Dekker, and W.J. Skirving (2003) Modeling spectral discrimination of Great Barrier Reef benthic communities by remote sensing instruments.
Limnology and Oceanography 48(1-2): 497-510.
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from the journal.
Skirving, W.J. (2002). A system for routinely monitoring radiometric sea
surface temperature. Marine Technology Society Journal 36(1): 39-43.
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from the journal.
Wellington, G.M., A.E. Strong and G. Merlen (2001). Sea surface temperature
variation in the Galapagos Archipelago: a comparison between AVHRR nighttime
satellite data and in-situ instrumentation (1982-1988). Bulletin of Marine
Science 69(1): 27-42.
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Strong, A.E., E. Kearns and K.K. Gjovig, 2000. Sea Surface Temperature
Signals from Satellites - An Update. Geophys. Res. Lett, 27(11): 1667-1670.
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from the journal.
Patzert, W.C., A.E. Strong and G.C. Feldman (1997). Coral Reefs from Space. In
T. Tomascik, et al. [Eds.], The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas. Part II. The
Ecology of Indonesia Series, Vol. VII, Periplus Editions Ltd., Singapore. 1206-1208 pp.
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Strong, A.E., J.A. Preyer and C.S. Barrientos (1995). Assessing CZCS
time-series data globally, regionally, and zonally: 1979-1985. Advances in
Space Research 16(10): 147-150.
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Strong, A.E., 1991. Sea surface temperature signals from space. In Encyclopedia of Earth System Science, Ed. W.A. Nierenberg, Vol 4, Academic Press,
San Diego, CA, pp 69-80.
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V. Observing Systems and Technologies for Coral Reefs:
Hendee, J., L.J. Gramer, S.F. Heron, M. Jankulak, N. Amornthammarong,
M. Shoemaker, T. Burgess, J. Fajans, S. Bainbridge, W. Skirving (2012).
Wireless architectures for coral reef environmental monitoring.
Proceedings of the 12th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012.
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from the conference website.
Heron, S.F., C.R. Steinberg, M.L. Heron, A. Manto vanelli, W.J. Skirving,
F. McAllister, P. Rigby, D. Wisdom, S. Bainbridge (2010), Advancing Ocean Monitoring
Near Coral Reefs, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(41), 369.370, doi:10.1029/2010EO410001.
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Brainard, R.E., S. Bainbridge, R. Brinkman, C.M. Eakin, M. Field, J-P Gattuso,
D. Gledhill, L. Gramer, A. Green, J. Hendee, R.K. Hoeke, S.J. Holbrook,
O. Hoegh-Guldberg, M. Lammers, D. Manzello, M. McManus, R. Moffitt, M. Monaco,
J.A. Morgan, D. Obura, S. Planes, R.J. Schmitt, C. Steinberg, H. Sweatman,
O.J. Vetter, C. Wilkinson, K.B. Wong (2009). An International Network of Coral
Reef Ecosystem Observing Systems (I-CREOS), Proceedings of OceanObs.09:
Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, Venice, Italy,
21-25 September 2009.
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from the conference website.
Morgan, J.A. J.E. Waddell (eds.) (2009). NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrated
Observing System (CREIOS) Workshops Report.
NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP 9.
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program. Silver Spring, MD. 68pp.
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VI. Paleoclimatology:
Grottoli, A.G. and C.M. Eakin (2007). A review of modern coral [delta]18O and
[Delta]14C proxy records. Earth-Science Reviews 81(1-2): 67-91.
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from the journal.
Diffenbaugh, N.S., C.M. Eakin, B.L. Otto-Bliesner and M. Zhao [Eds]. (2006a).
Glacial-interglacial climate of the past 160,000 years: New insights from data
and models. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 236.
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Diffenbaugh, N.S., C.M. Eakin, B.L. Otto-Bliesner and M. Zhao (2006b).
Introduction to the special issue "Glacial-interglacial climate of the past
160,000 years: New insights from data and models". Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 236(1-2): 1-4.
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Eakin, C.M. and A.G. Grottoli (2006). Coral Reef Records of Past Climatic
Change. In J.T. Phinney, et al. [Eds.], Coral Reefs and Climate Change:
Science and Management. Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Vol. 61, American
Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. 33-54 pp.
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from the journal.
Eakin, C.M., P.K. Swart, T.M. Quinn, K.P. Helmle, J.M. Smith and R.E. Dodge
(2006). Application of paleoclimatology to coral reef monitoring and management.
Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa: 588-596.
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Eakin, C.M., M. Diepenbroek and M. Hoepffner (2003). The PAGES Data System.
In K.D. Alverson, et al. [Eds.], Paleoclimate, Global Change and the
Future. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 175-179 pp.
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from the publisher.
Alverson, K. and C.M. Eakin (2001). Making sure that the world's palaeodata do
not get buried - International efforts are keeping information accessible.
Nature 412(6844): 269-269.
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from the journal.
VII. Hydrodynamic modeling:
Skirving, W.J., S.F. Heron, C.R. Steinberg, C. McLean, B.A.A. Parker, C.M.
Eakin, M.L. Heron, A.E. Strong, and L.F. Arzayus. 2010. Determining Thermal
Capacitance for Protected Area Network Design in Palau. Silver Spring, MD:
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP 12. 317 pp.
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Heron, S.F., E.J. Metzger and W.J. Skirving (2006). Seasonal Variations of the
Ocean Surface Circulation in the Vicinity of Palau. Journal of
Oceanography 62(4): 413-426.
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from the journal.
Skirving, W., M. Heron and S.F. Heron (2006). The Hydrodynamics of a Bleaching
Event: Implications for Management and Monitoring. In J.T. Phinney, et al.
[Eds.], Coral Reefs and Climate Change: Science and Management. Coastal
and Estuarine Studies, Vol. 61, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.
145-162 pp.
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from the publisher.
Skirving, W., S. Heron, C. Steinberg, A.E. Strong, C. McLean, M. Heron, S.
Choukroun, F. Arzayus and A. Bauman (2006). Palau Modeling Final Report.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Australian Institute of
Marine Science, Townsville, Australia. 46 pp.
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in PDF format: 1.4MB
Heron, S.F. and W.J. Skirving (2004). Satellite bathymetry use in numerical
models of ocean thermal stress. La Revista Gayana 68(2): 284-288.
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from the publisher.
Steinberg, C.R., S.F. Heron, W.J. Skirving, C. McLean and S.M. Choukroun (2004).
Palau Oceanographic Array Data Report, August 2003 - January 2004.
Report to The Nature Conservancy. Australian Institute of Marine Science and
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 246 pp.
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in PDF format: 13MB
Wolanski, E., R. Brinkman, S. Spagnol, F. McAllister, C. Steinberg, W.
Skirving and E. Deleersnijder (2003). Merging Scales in Models of Water
Circulation. In V.C. Lakhan [Ed.] Advances in Coastal Modelling. Elsevier. 411-429 pp.
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Brinkman, R., E. Wolanski, E. Deleersnijder, F. Mcallister and W. Skirving
(2002). Oceanic inflow from the Coral Sea into the Great Barrier Reef.
Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 54: 655-668.
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VIII. Ocean Acidification:
Palacio-Castro, A.M., Enochs, I.C., Besemer, N., Boyd, A., Jankulak, M., Kolodziej, G., Hirsh, H.K., Webb, A.E., Towle, E.K.,
Kelble, C., Smith, I., Manzello, D.P. (2023). Coral reef carbonate chemistry reveals interannual, seasonal, and spatial impacts
on ocean acidification off Florida. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37, e2023GB007789. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GB007789.
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from the publisher.
Morris JT, Enochs IC, Studivan MS, Young BD, Mayfield A, Soderberg N, Traylor-Knowles N, Kolodziej G and Manzello D (2023)
Ocean acidification influences the gene expression and physiology of two Caribbean bioeroding sponges. Front. Mar. Sci.
10:1223380. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1223380.
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from the publisher.
Hirsh, H.K., Oliver, T.A., Barkley, H.C., Wren, J.L.K., Monismith, S.G., Manzello, D.P., Enochs, I.C. Predicting Coral Reef
Carbonate Chemistry Through Statistical Modeling: Constraining Nearshore Residence Time Around Guam. Aquat Geochem
29, 73-94 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10498-023-09411-6.
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from the publisher.
Morris, J., Enochs, I., Webb, A., de Bakker, D., Soderberg, N., Kolodziej, G., & Manzello, D. (2022). The influences of
diurnal variability and ocean acidification on the bioerosion rates of two reef-dwelling Caribbean sponges.
Global Change Biology, 28, 7126-7138. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16442.
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Morris, J.T., Enochs, I.C., Besemer, N., Viehman, T.S., Groves, S.H., Blondeau, J., Ames, C., Towle, E.K., Grove, L.J.W.,
Manzello, D.P. Low net carbonate accretion characterizes Florida's coral reef. Sci Rep 12, 19582 (2022).
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from the publisher.
Manzello D, Kolodziej G, Kirkland A, Besemer N, Enochs I. Increasing coral calcification in Orbicella faveolata and
Pseudodiploria strigosa at Flower Garden Banks, Gulf of Mexico. Coral Reefs 40, 1097-1111 (2021).
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NOAA Coral Reef Information System website feature
Thomas JT, Spady BL, Munday PL, Watson SA. The role of ligand-gated chloride channels in behavioural alterations at elevated CO2 in a cephalopod.
J Exp Biol. 2021 Jul 1;224(13):jeb242335. doi: 10.1242/jeb.242335. Epub 2021 Jul 8. PMID: 34100547.
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from the publisher.
Gledhill, D.K., R. Wanninkhof, C.M. Eakin (2009). Observing Ocean Acidification
from Space. Oceanography 22(4):48.59.
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from the journal.
Gledhill, D.K., R. Wanninkhof, F.J. Millero and M. Eakin (2008). Ocean
Acidification of the Greater Caribbean Region 1996-2006. Journal of
Geophysical Research-Oceans 113: C10031.
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from the journal.
Manzello, D.P., J.A. Kleypas, D.A. Budd, C.M. Eakin, P.W. Glynn and C. Langdon
(2008). Poorly cemented coral reefs of the eastern tropical Pacific: Possible
insights into reef development in a high-CO2 world. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences 105(30): 10450-10455.
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from the journal.
Kleypas, J.A., R.W. Buddemeier, C.M. Eakin, J.P. Gattuso, J. Guinotte, O.
Hoegh-Guldberg, R. Iglesias-Prieto, P.L. Jokiel, C. Langdon, W. Skirving
and A.E. Strong (2005). Comment on "Coral reef calcification and climate
change: The effect of ocean warming". Geophysical Research Letters
32(8): L08601.
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from the journal.
IX. Other Threats to Coral Reefs:
Caldwell JM, Liu G, Geiger E, Heron SF, Eakin CM, De La Cour J, Greene A, Raymundo L, Dryden J, Schlaff A, Stella JS, Kindinger TL, Couch CS,
Fenner D, Hoot W, Manzello D, Donahue MJ. "Multi-Factor Coral Disease Risk: A New Product for Early Warning and Management."
Ecological Applications 34(4): e2961. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2961.
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from the publisher.
Mason, R.A.B., Skirving, W.J. and Dove, S.G. (2023), Photoacclimation dynamics in coral holobionts responding to thermal and
irradiance changes correlate with photon pressure per symbiont. Limnol Oceanogr, 68: 2529-2543. https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.12439.
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from the publisher.
Kolodziej G, Studivan MS, Gleason ACR, Langdon C, Enochs IC and Manzello DP (2021) Impacts of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease
(SCTLD) on Coral Community Structure at an Inshore Patch Reef of the Upper Florida Keys Using Photomosaics. Front. Mar. Sci.
8:682163. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.682163.
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from the publisher.
Rubin ET, Enochs IC, Foord C, Mayfield AB, Kolodziej G, Basden I and Manzello DP (2021) Molecular Mechanisms of
Coral Persistence Within Highly Urbanized Locations in the Port of Miami, Florida. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:695236. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.695236.
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from the publisher.
Skirving, W, Storlazzi C, Smail EA (2021). Forecasting Floods on Reef-Lined Coasts - Introducing the Wave-Driven Flood-Forecasting
on Reef-Lined Coasts Early Warning System (WaveFoRCE). UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Special Issue,
Chapter Four: A Safe Ocean, pp. 144-147.
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from the publisher.
Skirving W, Pomeroy A, McCall R, Marra J and Storlazzi C (2021) Editorial: Flooding on Coral Reef-Lined Coasts: Current State
of Knowledge and Future Challenges. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:635240. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.635240.
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from the journal.
Greene A, Donahue MJ, Caldwell JM, Heron SF, Geiger E and Raymundo LJ (2020)
Coral Disease Time Series Highlight Size-Dependent Risk and Other
Drivers of White Syndrome in a Multi-Species Model. Front. Mar. Sci.
7:601469. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.601469.
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from the journal.
Winter G, Storlazzi C, Vitousek S, van Dongeren A, McCall R, Hoeke R, Skirving W, Marra J, Reyns J, Aucan J,
Widlansky M, Becker J, Perry C, Masselink G, Lowe R, Ford M, Pomeroy A, Mendez F, Rueda A and Wandres M (2020)
Steps to Develop Early Warning Systems and Future Scenarios of Storm Wave-Driven Flooding Along Coral Reef-Lined Coasts.
Front. Mar. Sci. 7:199. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00199.
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from the journal.
Hernández, W.J.; Ortiz-Rosa, S.; Armstrong, R.A.; Geiger, E.F.; Eakin, C.M.; Warner, R.A.
Quantifying the Effects of Hurricanes Irma and Maria on Coastal Water Quality in Puerto Rico using Moderate Resolution
Satellite Sensors. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(6), 964; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12060964.
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from the journal.
Caldwell, J.M., Aeby, G., Heron, S.F., Donahue, M.J. Case-control design identifies ecological drivers of endemic coral diseases.
Sci Rep 10, 2831 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-59688-8.
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from the publisher.
Tracy, AM, Pielmeier ML, Yoshioka RM, Heron SF, Harvell CD (2019). Increases and decreases in marine disease reports in an
era of global change. 286. Proc. R. Soc. B. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2019.1718.
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from the publisher.
Smail, EA, DiGiacomo P, Seeyave S, Djavidnia S, Celliers L, Le Traon P-Y, Gault J, Escobar-Briones E, Plag H-P, Pequignet A-C, Bajona L,
Zhang L, Pearlman J, Steven A, Hodge J, Racault M-F, Storlazzi C, Skirving W, Hoeke R, Marra J, van Dongeren A, Muller-Karger F, Cripe D,
Takaki D. (2019) An introduction to the 'Oceans and Society: Blue Planet' initiative. Journal of Operational Oceanography.
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from the publisher.
Brodnicke, O.B., Bourne, D.G., Heron, S.F., Pears, R.J., Stella, J.S., Smith, H.A., Willis, B.L. Unravelling the links between heat stress,
bleaching and disease: fate of tabular corals following a combined disease and bleaching event. Coral Reefs 38, 591-603 (2019)
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from the publisher.
Matthews SA, Mellin C, MacNeil A, Heron SF, Skirving W, Puotinen M, Devlin MJ, Pratchett M (2019) High-resolution
characterization of the abiotic environment and disturbance regimes on the Great Barrier Reef, 1985-2017.
Ecology 100(2):e02574. doi:10.1002/ecy.2574.
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from the publisher.
Pratchett MS, Bridge TCL, Brodie J, Cameron DS, Day J, Emslie MJ, Grech A, Hamann M, Heron SF, Hoey AS, Hoogenboom MO,
Lough JM, Morrison TH, Osborne K, Read M, Schauble C, Smithers SG, Sweatman HPA, Waterhouse J (2019) Chapter 15 - Australia's
Great Barrier Reef. In: C. Sheppard (ed.) World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation, Second Edition, Volume Two: The Indian Ocean
to the Pacific, pp. 333-362.
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from the publisher.
Harvell, CD, Montecino-Latorre D, Caldwell JM, Burt JM, Bosley K, Keller A, Heron SF, Salomon AK, Lee L, Pontier O, Pattengill-Semmens C, Gaydos JK.
2019. Disease epidemic and a marine heat wave are associated with the continental-scale collapse of a pivotal predator (Pycnopodia helianthoides).
Sci. Adv. 5 (1), eaau7042. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aau7042.
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from the journal.
Burn, D.; Pratchett, M.S.; Heron, S.F.; Thompson, C.A.; Pratchett, D.J.; Hoey, A.S. Limited Cross-Shelf Variation in the Growth of Three
Branching Corals on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Diversity 2018, 10, 122. https://doi.org/10.3390/d10040122.
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from the journal.
Bell, JD, Albert J, Amos G, Arthur C, Blanc M, Bromhead D, Heron SF,
Hobday AJ, Hunt A, Itano D, James PAS, Lehodey P, Liu G, Nicol S, Potemra J,
Reygondeau G, Rubani J, Phillips JS, Senina I, Sokimi W (2018).
Operationalising access to oceanic fisheries resources by small-scale fishers to
improve food security in the Pacific Islands. Marine Policy 88(2018): 315-322. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2017.11.008.
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from the journal.
Caldwell JM, Burns JHR, Couch C, Ross M, Runyon C, Takabayashi M, Vargas-Ángel B, Walsh W, Walton M, White D, Williams G, Heron SF
(2016) Hawai'i Coral Disease database (HICORDIS): species-specific coral health data from across the Hawaiian archipelago.
Data in Brief 8: 1054-1058. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2016.07.025.
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from the journal.
Welch, H, Pressey RL, Heron SF, Ceccarelli DM, Hobday AJ (2016) Regimes of chlorophyll-a in the Coral Sea: implications for evaluating
adequacy of marine protected areas. Ecography 39(3): 289-304. doi: 10.1111/ecog.01450.
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from the journal.
Maynard, J, Beeden R, Puotinen M, Johnson J, Marshall P, van Hooidonk R,
Heron SF, Devlin M, Lawrey E, Dryden J, Ban N, Wachenfeld D, Planes S
(2016) Great Barrier Reef No-Take Areas Include a Range of Disturbance Regimes.
Conservation Letters 9(3): 191-199. doi: 10.1111/conl.12198.
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from the journal.
Maynard J, van Hooidonk R, Harvell CD, Eakin CM, Liu G, Willis BL, Williams GJ, Groner M, Dobson A,
Heron SF, Glenn R, Reardon K, Shields JD (2016) Improving marine disease surveillance through sea
temperature monitoring, outlooks and projections. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371(1689): 20150208. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0208.
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from the journal.
Caldwell JM, Heron SF, Eakin CM, Donahue MJ. (2016) Satellite SST-Based Coral Disease Outbreak Predictions
for the Hawaiian Archipelago. Remote Sensing 8(2): 93, doi:10.3390/rs8020093.
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from the journal.
Groner ML, Maynard J, Breyta R, Carnegie RB, Dobson A, Friedman CS, Froelich B, Garren M, Gulland FMD,
Heron SF, Noble RT, Revie CW, Shields JD, Vanderstichel R, Weil E, Wyllie-Echeverria S, Harvell CD
(2016) Managing Marine Disease Emergencies in an Era of Rapid Change. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B
371(1689): 20150364. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0364.
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from the journal.
Pascoe S, Doshi A, Thébaud O, Thomas CR, Schuttenberg HZ, Heron SF, Setiasih N, Tan JCH, True J,
Wallmo K, Loper C, Calgaro E (2014) Estimating the potential impact of entry fees for marine parks
on dive tourism in South East Asia, Marine Policy 47: 147-152.
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from the journal.
Pollock, JF, Lamb JB, Field SN, Heron SF, Schaffelke B, Shedrawi G, Bourne DG, Willis BL (2014).
Sediment and turbidity associated with offshore dredging increase coral disease prevalence on
nearby reefs. PLOS ONE 9(7): e102498.
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from the journal.
Johnson, J, Maynard J, Devlin M, Wilkinson S, Anthony K, Yorkston H, Heron S, Puotinen M, van Hooidonk R. (2013).
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2013 Scientific Consensus Statement: Land use impacts on Great Barrier Reef water quality and ecosystem condition, 35pp.
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Beeden, R., J.A. Maynard, P.A. Marshall, S.F. Heron, B.L. Willis (2012). A
framework for responding to coral disease outbreaks that facilitates adaptive
management. Environmental Management 49: 1-13.
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from the publisher.
Heron, S.F., J. Maynard, B. Willis, T. Christensen, D. Harvell, B. Vargas-Angel,
R. Beeden, J. Sziklay, G. Aeby, E. Franklin, W. Skirving, M. Eakin, T. Burgess,
J. Li, G. Liu, E. Lucas, J. Rauenzahn, A. Strong (2012). Developments in
understanding relationships between environmental conditions and coral disease.
Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns,
Australia, 9-13 July 2012.
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from the conference website.
Edwards, H.J., I.A. Elliott, C.M. Eakin, A. Irikawa, J.S. Madin, M. McField,
J.A. Morgan, R. van Woesik, P.J. Mumby (2011). How much time can herbivore protection
buy for coral reefs under realistic regimes of hurricanes and coral bleaching?
Global Change Biology 17: 2033.2048. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02366.x.
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from the journal.
Liu, G., D. Obura, M. Richmond, D. Souter, M. Eakin (2011). Global and Regional
Phenomena. In: Field Guide to the Seashores of Eastern Africa and the Western Indian
Ocean Islands, 3rd Edition, M. Richmond, ed., Sida/SAREC, University of Dar es Salaam,
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Maynard, J.A., K.R.N. Anthony, C.D. Harvell, M.A. Burgman, R. Beeden, H. Sweatman,
S.F. Heron, J.B. Lamb, B.L. Willis (2011). Predicting outbreaks of a climate-driven
coral disease in the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 30(2): 485-495,
doi: 10.1007/s00338-010-0708-0.
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from the journal.
Aubrecht, C., C.D. Elvidge and C.M. Eakin (2008).
Earth observation based assessment of anthropogenic stress to coral reefs
- A global analysis. IEEE (Eds.), IGARSS'08: IEEE International Geoscience
and Remote Sensing Symposium, July, 6th - 11th, Boston, Massachusetts: 367-370.
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from the conference website.
Clarke, A., T. Battista, B. Dieveney, D. Gledhill, M. Gombos, C. Jeffrey, J.
Koss, T. Leberer, C. Loper, G. Liu, J. Miller, J. Moore, J. Morgan, S. Simpson,
J. Waddell and D. Wusinich-Mendez (2008). National Level Activities to Support
U.S. and FAS Coral Conservation. In J.E. Waddell & A.M. Clarke [Eds.], The
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Associated States: 2008. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 73.
NOAA/NCCOS Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment's Biogeography Team,
Silver Spring, MD. 11-28 pp.
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Heron, M.L., A. Prytz, S.F. Heron, W.J. Skirving, T. Helzel, T. Schlick, D.
Greenslade and E. Schulz (2008). Tsunami Observation by Coastal Ocean Radar.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, Special Issue PORSEC 29(21):
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Kleypas, J.A. and C.M. Eakin (2007). Scientists' perceptions of threats to
coral reefs: results of a survey of coral reef researchers. Bulletin of
Marine Science 80(2): 419-436.
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from the journal.
Bruckner, A., K. Buja, L. Fairey, K. Gleason, M. Harmon, S. Heron, T. Hourigan,
C. Jeffrey, J. Kellner, R. Kelty, B. Leeworthy, G. Liu, S. Pittman, A. Shapiro,
A. Strong, J. Waddell and P. Wiley (2005). Threats and Stressors to U.S. Coral
Reef Ecosystems. In J.E. Waddell [Ed.] The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of
the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2005. NOAA
Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 11, NOAA/NCCOS Center for Coastal Monitoring and
Assessment's Biogeography Team, Silver Spring, MD. 12-44 pp.
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McKinnon, D., M. Meekan, J. Carleton, M. Furnas, S. Duggan and W. Skirving
(2003). Rapid changes in shelf waters and pelagic communities on the southern
Northwest Shelf, Australia, following a tropical cyclone. Continental Shelf
Research 23: 93-111.
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Eakin, C.M. (2001). A tale of two ENSO events: Carbonate budgets and the
influence of two warming events and intervening variability, Uva Island,
Panama. Bulletin of Marine Science 69(1): 171-186.
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from the journal.
Eakin, C.M. (1996). Where have all the carbonates gone? A model comparison of
calcium carbonate budgets before and after the 1982-1983 El Niño. Coral
Reefs 15(2): 109-119.
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Eakin, C.M. and P.W. Glynn (1996). Low tidal exposures and reef mortalities in
the eastern Pacific. Coral Reefs 15(2): 120.
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