IMPORTANT USER ALERT (2 July 2024): This past weekend, a storage server at NOAA's Center for Satellite Applications and Research, which delivers the NOAA Coral Reef Watch data, suffered a hardware failure. The issue is being addressed, and we hope to have the NOAA Coral Reef Watch data back up and running as soon as possible. (1) The most recent data will be made available first; historical data may take time to be restored. (2) If you need specific data that are not yet available, please contact us at (3) If you use code to pull data, please revise your code to use “…/socd/…” in lieu of “…/sod/…” in all relevant web addresses for all future needs. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Coral Reef Watch Publications (by Topic)

If you would like a reprint of any article below, please e-mail us.

See the recommended citations for Coral Reef Watch products and methodologies.

For a list of related publications that have used Coral Reef Watch data and products, click here.

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

I. Coral Reef Watch Data Products:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

II. Bleaching Events:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

III. Climate Change and Coral Reefs:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

IV. Remote Sensing Technology for Coral Reefs and other Marine Ecosystems:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

V. Observing Systems and Technologies for Coral Reefs:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

VI. Paleoclimatology:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

VII. Hydrodynamic modeling:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

VIII. Ocean Acidification:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats

IX. Other Threats to Coral Reefs:

Data Products  |  Bleaching Events  |  Climate Change  |  Remote Sensing  |  Observing Systems
Paleoclimatology  |  Hydrodynamics  |  Ocean Acidification  |  Other Reef Threats  |  Others

Many of the files are in PDF format. Free Adobe Acrobat Readers can be downloaded from Adobe.