Thermal History - Within-year SST Variability (1985-2023)
(Version 3.5, released January 31, 2024)
(Version 3.5, released January 31, 2024)
(Click on a location in the global map to see its regional map below.)
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Thermal History Products:
Home | Stress Frequency | Stress Onset | SST Variability | SST Trend | Climatology | Annual History
Home | Stress Frequency | Stress Onset | SST Variability | SST Trend | Climatology | Annual History
Download data (netCDF):
HTTPS site
Stress Frequency (401Mb) | Stress Onset (401Mb) | SST Variability (248Mb) | SST Trend (134Mb)
Climatology (592Mb) | Annual History (7.3Gb)
HTTPS site
Stress Frequency (401Mb) | Stress Onset (401Mb) | SST Variability (248Mb) | SST Trend (134Mb)
Climatology (592Mb) | Annual History (7.3Gb)
FTP site
Stress Frequency (401Mb) |
Stress Onset (401Mb) |
SST Variability (248Mb) |
SST Trend (134Mb)
Climatology (592Mb) |
Annual History (7.3Gb)
Product Metadata (for the Version 3.1.0 product):
Web-format Metadata | XML Metadata | Plain Text Metadata
Web-format Metadata | XML Metadata | Plain Text Metadata
Product Description
Within-year (Annual) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Variability: For each year during 1985-2023, at each location, we provide the SST variability (i.e., the standard deviation of the SST) experienced at coral reef-containing and adjacent satellite pixel locations worldwide, using the Version 3.1 daily global 5km CoralTemp satellite SST data product.