IMPORTANT USER ALERT (2 July 2024): This past weekend, a storage server at NOAA's Center for Satellite Applications and Research, which delivers the NOAA Coral Reef Watch data, suffered a hardware failure. The issue is being addressed, and we hope to have the NOAA Coral Reef Watch data back up and running as soon as possible. (1) The most recent data will be made available first; historical data may take time to be restored. (2) If you need specific data that are not yet available, please contact us at (3) If you use code to pull data, please revise your code to use “…/socd/…” in lieu of “…/sod/…” in all relevant web addresses for all future needs. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Coral Reefs in Peril in a Record-Breaking Year

O. Hoegh-Guldberg, W. Skirving, S. Dove, B. Spady, A. Norrie, E. Geiger, G. Liu, J. De La Cour, D. Manzello. Coral reefs in peril in a record-breaking year, Science 10.1126/science.adk4532 (2023).

Coral Bleaching - 2023
Coral Bleaching Photo Coral Bleaching Photo Coral Bleaching Photo
Mass coral bleaching of Huatulco Reef, Mexican Pacific in mid-July 2023. Image shows completely bleached coral reef dominated by Pocillopora spp. Credit: A. López-Pérez, 13 July 2023. Bleached and dying Staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) from Bocas del Toro, Caribbean Panamá in mid-July 2023. The unbleached (non-white) parts of the coral colonies in this image represent recent, heat-driven mortality. This species of coral is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Credit: J.A. Sánchez, 14 July 2023 Mass coral bleaching of multiple coral species at Cheeca Rocks, Florida Keys in late July 2023. Credit: G. Kolodziej/NOAA, 24 July 2023.

Heron Island, Australia

Healthy, fully pigmented coral reef at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Credit: D. Manzello/NOAA, 8 April 2023.

Coral Reef Photo Coral Reef Photo    Coral Reef Photo Coral Reef Photo
Coral Reef Photo Coral Reef Photo Coral Reef Photo
Coral Reef Photo Coral Reef Photo Coral Reef Photo
Coral Reef Photo Coral Reef Photo Coral Reef Photo

High Resolution Images from the Great Barrier Reef - 2023

Credit: Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, University of Queensland, 2023.

Coral Reef Fish Photo
Coral Reef Fish Photo
Coral Reef Fish Photo
Coral Reef Fish Photo
Coral Reef Fish Photo
Coral Reef Fish Photo
Coral Reef Fish Photo
Coral Reef Fish Photo
Coral Reef Fish Photo