1. Litekyan Point
2. Jinapsan Beach
3. Tarague Beach
4. Pati Point North
5. Pati Point South
6. Lafoc Point
7. Anao
8. Marbo
9. Mangilao Golf Course
10. Pago Bay
11. Togcha Bay
12. Talofofo Bay
13. Malojloj
14. Achang
15. Manell Channel
16. Cocos East
17. Humåtak Bay
18. Facpi Point
19. Ga'an Point
20. Orote Point
21. Luminao Reef
22. Piti Bay
23. West Agana Bay
24. East Agana Bay
25. Tumon Bay Central
26. Tanguisson Beach South
27. Ague Bay
28. Urunao
Guam 5 km Single-Pixel Virtual Station Time Series Graphs
(Released July 17, 2023, experimental product for collaborators)
(Released July 17, 2023, experimental product for collaborators)
NOTE: This page is still under development. The map, station names, and station order are subject to change.
Click on a location on the map, the name of a site, or scroll down to see the time series for each location.